Gol Airlines

Receive Special Rates
Gol Airlines passengers receive special rates when renting a vehicle at Hertz participating locations in Brazil and other South American countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru or Uruguay). 

Likewise, Brazilian residents are elegible to pay their car rentals in Brazil in three installments (3x with no interest) by mentioning PC #959792 at time of rental. 

For reservations:
Click on Rates and Reservations, on the navigation bar on the left.
·   Gol Airlines boarding pass must be presented at time of rental*.
·   Enter the applicable rate code (GLOBZD for daily rates or GLOBZW for weekly rates) and PC #959792 for rentals in Brazil or PC #981816 for rentals in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Peru or Uruguay).

If you prefer, contact your travel agency or Hertz.

Click here to visit Gol Airlines website.

· *Rentals must occur within 48 hours of arrival.